Tuesday, August 25, 2009

babies are da bomb

When we brought home our first baby we might as well brought home one of those motion sensitive explosives you see in the movies. You know, where if someone moves too quickly the whole place goes kablooey? Usually there's a click and then someone spots blinking light or a hears an ever increasing beep beep. The baby equivalent is a persistent scream that seems to get exponentially louder the longer it goes on.

My wife read all the books about what to expect so she was completely prepared to defuse any situation, or so she thought. I, on the other hand, had not read the books and instead relied completely on parental instincts handed down from years of evolution.

Anyway, once your infant is home things are pretty relaxed. Baby sleeps a lot. Sure there are the normal cries for food or diaper changes. But sometimes you can't stop the wailing with food or fresh pants.

As the crying gets louder and goes on longer things get a little more frantic. Your baby seems to be trying to tell you something like, "Cut the blue wire! Blue wire!" But you don't understand, so you check the diaper again. Change the outfit. Offer some milk. Check the milk to see if it's the right temperature. Shake the baby rattle. Give some medicine for gas. Hold baby on shoulder. Lay baby on back. Lay baby on tummy. Wonder if you can give Tylenol in conjunction with gas medicine. Sing. Sing a different song (Take me out to the ballgame is just as good as any lullabye in this situation). Maybe baby doesn't like the words so, hum. All the while the screaming persists and you feel the fuse is lit fuse and approaching its payload fast.

Somehow, miraculously I discovered my first born found the sound of running water soothing. Whew! And when baby number two began to scream "BLUE WIRE" I went straight to the running water only find it was the bathroom fan that defused him.

I knew the running water was a temporary fix and I was going to need to make a calming mechanism for him. One day during a nap I took some multi-colored Christmas lights and pinned them to the ceiling in a decorative pattern above the rocking chair. Each night, momma would rock baby to sleep and he would just stare at the lights and the lights became an alternative to the running water.

My second born found lights not to be soothing but exciting instead. A bigger problem with him was that sometimes he would get all agitated on the changing table. Often throwing a fit, kicking his feet, twisting about, putting his hands in the last place you would want and generally being uncooperative.

To contaminate the volatile situation, I took a page from my dentist. On ceiling over the patient's chairs my dentist has placed "really busy" posters so they can look at something while work is being done. My toddler still has his undersea poster above his changing table. While I change him, I ask him to count the fish, the turtles, dolphins etc.

So if you're unclear which wire your baby is telling you to cut, remain calm. Take a page out of my manual. Put some eye candy on the ceiling. Sing the baseball anthem. Get a mouthful of water and do your impression of a whale. Wear a diaper on your head. Get as silly as you have to. Just know the episode will likely pass as quickly as it came on.

Of course if it does persist, call your doctor and never, ever shake the baby.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pushing and letting go - Or - When the training wheels are off.

For my son's 5th birthday, we bought him his first bike. Compared to my first bike, a hand-me-down from my aunt outfitted with a banana seat, ape-hanger handle bars with pink and white streamers, his bike was greased lightning. His ride - royal blue, neon green, flame details, pads in all the right places, a water bottle and a racing number displayed in front. Any boy's dream bike right?

Well, the boy upon seeing the gift, hopped on for a photo-opp. We captured the huge smile and the excitement and then, as he was dismounting, he caught a foot and went splat, palms flat on the pavement. At that moment, the bike became a monster and I wished I'd have bought a Razor Scooter instead of a bike (more on this later).

He still had plenty of time to conquer his fear of the bike, so we didn't push the issue. The following year, shortly before his 6th birthday, his interest in riding picked up when he saw his friends riding without training wheels. He decided it was time to slay the beast... well, at least ride it with training wheels on.

A few weeks of riding with training wheels, and I thought he was ready to have the cheaters off. The training wheels may have comforted him but they worried me terribly. Steering with training wheels makes the rider top-heavy and there's a likelihood of catching a wheel in a groove.

The more I pushed learning to ride the bike, the harder he refused. I tried reasoning, "...look at all the people riding bike. I wonder why they do it? Probably because it's fun." I tried bribing, "if we do 15 minutes of bike, we'll have Dairy Queen." We even witnessed a kid taking a spill and getting right back on to ride away, "wow, must be really fun if he wants to get back on after a digger like that."

Another year passed.

My neighbor has a boy younger than my oldest and I saw him riding on two wheels. I asked his dad how he taught his son to ride. He said he didn't. He bought his son a Razor Scooter the year prior and that's where he learned to balance. One day he just picked up the bike and rode it. This was the 2nd time I had heard the Razor Scooter was the key to learning bike so I knew it wasn't a fluke.

So I ask my boy "ever tried one of those scooters." Silence. " What do you say we go get one of those fancy Razor Scooters? "No thanks."

The better part of summer passed and finally, I had enough. I made him practice on back the lawn 15 minutes a day. Somedays he just sat on the bike not really trying - just doing "his time." I think once he realized I wasn't pushing him to ride, or in other terms, I "let go" of caring so much he began to try.

Of course I was pretending not to care. I was watching the whole time; biting my tongue trying not to encourage or help.

After a bit I realized his struggles were steering in rough grass and keeping both feet on the pedals on bumpy ground. It was time to take him to the outdoor basketball court. He was terrified of going ker-plat on the pavement, but I showed him he could go into the grass if he felt he was losing control or wanted to stop.

On the walk to the park, I held on to the bike as he rode. He began to pedal and I released my control of the bike, keeping my hands near his torso until I felt he had "it." Before we even reached the basketball court, my son was riding unassisted.

As predicted, he loves riding. Can't get him off the bike now.

But for all the grief he put me through, I'm definitely getting a Razor Scooter for my next up-and-coming riders.

After it was all said and done. He wouldn't have got on the bike if I hadn't pushed the issue. And he wouldn't have learned to ride it if I hadn't let go.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The potty chair and the psychiatrist's couch

Short of having the throne with a sports, cars or BBQ theme, the dad's spin on potty training will have to wait 'til we're ready to "AIM AND FIRE!" For right now, it's about getting him to listen to what his body is saying.

With my oldest son, the advice was to "... just wait, don't rush it. He'll catch on when he's ready." Whatever. That advice had us in diapers forever. My toddler is able to tell me what he wants through gestures or nearly undecipherable words- clear signs he's ready to learn the wonders of indoor plumbing.

Follow my logic here. Your kid has known diapers since moments after birth. The longer he or she remains in diapers, the harder it will be to train them to use the toilet. The earlier you introduce the throne to him or her, the easier the transition should go.

Step 1, get out the chair and let the kid see it. Don't force anything, just let it be there as if it were any piece of furniture. Don't even call attention to it. Let the child discover it and when he does, say something like "that's for you when you're ready." It may be sitting out months before you're ready to take the next step, but the fewer things that are new and freaky to him, the better.

Step 2 in my process was to pull out the fun potty training videos. I highly recommend the potty training video "Bear in the Big Blue House." Anyway, my toddler watched that video over and over again - not because the subject matter was so riveting, but because it was new to him. Something must have stuck, because taking to the chair was fairly easy. After about 2 weeks of that video, we we're ready to take the next steps.

Step 3 is placing the reward. My toddler is a freak for fruit snacks so I bought a box and placed it in the bathroom in a highly visible but unreachable place. My friend says she used a jar of M&M's. Whatever trips your kid's trigger right?

Step 4 is taking notice of your child's natural rythm and tendencies. Does your kid need new diapers before or after eating, sleeping and waking? Those are good times to try the chair.

I began to notice his diapers were fairly dry in the morning comparatively and thought I'd set him up for success by placing him on the john when he potentially would go. Well, he didn't produce anything that first time, but I rewarded him with a fruit snack for trying. The next morning, he told me his word for fruit snack (sounds like bean - don't ask me why) and so I sat him on the chair again and viola! A few high fives all around and the all important fruit snack reward and I could see the light at the end of the diaper tunnel.

Potty training is a big deal. If done poorly, there's a real danger in emotionally scarring your child for life. If you don't want your child seeking psychiatric help well into his adulthood because of the potty training phase, appreciate the tiniest steps forward. Just sitting on the chair without producing anything is a monumental step forward. Heck, even having an accident is a sign your child is on his way to becoming potty trained.

One last thing, appreciate that your kid is in diapers, because soon as he's in big boy underpants, that little bladder has to go ALL the time.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Crime & Punishment

If we didn't love our kids we would let them do whatever they wanted. But since we want the best for them, we guide and teach.

For the first few years, the timeout was working. But now that my son is a school ager, I've abandoned the time-out in favor of a method I've developed myself.

I call it the SvS method or Smart versus Strong method. Here's the logic behind it. It seems really smart kids are rarely the most physically fit and vice versa - the most physically fit kids are rarely the sharpest knives in the drawer. This disciple technique aims to create balance.

For instance, my oldest son is very smart for his age, but physically a bit behind his age group. So when it comes to his crimes of the mind, he's sentence is push-ups, sit-ups and deep knee bends. If he makes a crime of the body, such as beating up his little brother, he has to tell me different ways he could have handled the situation.

The timeout method says to give the kid one minute solitary for every year of life. 2 years old = 2 minutes timeout. I've adopted the same ratio for the SvS. For every year of life there's a push-up, sit-up, deep knee bend and alternative method of conduct.

I will say this, as opposed to grounding or long sustained punishments - like no something for a week - this method is quick and so far it's showing promise. My son is finding the excercises are getting easier to do - so that's nice. And the alternative methods we talk through are helping him discover there is more than one way to skin a little brother.